Friday, August 10, 2012

When a "Shock Wave" Hits Part IV


Sam and Barry arrived at the lake house, parked in the garage to avoid detection, then entered the residence from the rear.

Sam didn't realize Barry had clients that were actually successful. "Well yeah, I'm more than just great hair and good looks, Sam."

Barry unlocked the door and made his way to the safe in the game room. "It's over here."

"Seriously, what does this guy do?" Sam wanted to know. "Data mining, and derivatives, and basically screwing over a whole bunch of people in Malaysia."

As he was unlocking the safe, he asked Sam. "Will you check that closet for a box?"

While removing the journals from the safe, he continued. "He is not a nice dude, however, he does let me stash my ify files here in exchange for free tax advice."

After removing the journals from the safe and placing them in the box, they were ready to leave. Barry stopped and pointed to the box and Sam wanted to know why he was pointing at it. "Because I'm injured, Sam." Then pointed to his blood soaked bandage.

Annoyed, Sam picked up the box and they make their way out the front door. Barry apologized for being shot.

Once outside, Sam noticed trouble at the end of the driveway. "Ah, Barry. Stop walking and pat your pockets like you forgot for your keys." Barry wanted to know why. Sam thought for a moment and replied. "The SUV on the street wasn't there when we got here. I'm thinking that the guy behind the wheel, whose not looking at us, has a rifle in his lap."

They slowly turned around and quickly made their way back to the front door. Barry turned around as they ran up the steps causing the driver to start firing at them, wounding Barry in the leg.

Back inside the residence on the floor, Barry told Sam he had been shot and Sam wanted to know if he was alright. "You know I'm not alright. I got shot in the leg!" 

Sam checked Barry's wound. "It looks like a flesh wound." Barry responded. "Well, whatever. It's twice in one day. It's gotta stop."

Looking out the window Sam examined the situation outside as an additional three men exited the SUV, each carrying guns. "Sorry, Barry. I'm pretty sure this is just starting." 

From Burn Notice Season 6 Episode 6 "Shock Wave"

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