Friday, August 10, 2012

When a "Shock Wave" Hits Part VI

It started quite simple that morning when Barry showed up at Madeline's with a bullet wound in his upper arm. Barry just needed someone to accompany him to one of his clients lake house to retrieve his books and documents which could implement his clients, including Sam and Michael, of tax evasion if the FBI where to get their hands on them. 

Sam and Barry were pinned down in the lake house by arms dealers out to kill Barry. Sam had already tried to convince them that he was with the U. S. Marshal Service which didn't matter to them. They wanted Barry dead! 

Now they had to protect themselves from invasion and make plans on how to get the arms dealers to leave or for them to get away. 


Sam went into action with the few minutes they had before the arms dealers returned after checking out Sam's story about help being on the way. "Barry, what kind of outside lighting does this house have?"

"The motion sensor in a backyard flood light works by measuring infrared heat. When a change is detected it triggers a charge into electrical leads that turn on the lights. With a little creative rewiring that same spark can transform a shotgun shell into a primitive motion activated zip gun."

Sam dismantled the backyard flood light and rigged it with two shotgun shells and reinstalled it. "There we go. Our little buddy to guard the back door."

"Hey that was interesting and neat you know, but I don't think your robot can protect us. Do you see all the guns that Garret brought?"

Sam in the meantime was rummaging through a lower cabinet. He found items used in preparing aquarium water then showed them to Barry. "Don't you worry. When that SUV comes back, we'll be ready."


In one of the bathrooms, Sam was busy making a homemade rocket launcher and Barry was looking outside for Hartley's return. He told Sam. "I can't die. I've never climbed Kilimanjaro. I've never seen "A Wire". I've never even had a four way. I never..."

Sam interrupted him. "I've never strangled a friend in cold blood before. But it's early." Barry looked at Sam to see if he was serious then turned his attention back on the outside. Hartley's SUV was returning. "It's back. The vehicle with all of the guns, the death mobile. Looks like they're getting organized." Barry informed Sam, who was still working on creating a form of weapon to use against Hartley.

Sam had exposed the inside of one of the bathroom walls and removed insulated tubing to use for his weapon. Then took the cap off from a jar, duct taped it to the tube and pierced a hole in the center of the cap.

"Get the mortar Barry, let's go." Sam told Barry. "Is calling that supposed to make me feel better? It's just a beer can with aquarium cleaner, and sugar..."

"I know what I'm doing. Does that make you feel better?" Barry looked at him questionably. Sam added. "Let's do it, Barry."

They made their way to the dining room. Hartley's men and SUV were in view by the entrance gate.  "How long is it going to take you to get this "boomstick" thing ready?" Sam replied. "A minute." Barry opened a window which was in direct line of fire of Hartley's SUV. "A minute? I don't think we have a minute. Man they're coming."

Sam went to the intercom to try and reason with Hartley one more time and to give him a few more seconds to get ready. "Mr. Hartley, before you take another step I would like to talk terms." Sam put the filled beer can inside the tube.

"Good, there's no reason we can't be professionals about this." Hartley replied.

"I agree, so I offer you one last chance. If you forfeit your guns we'll drop the weapons charges, if you don't a federal prosecutor's going to step on your neck as hard as he can." Sam said as he shook an aerosol can then sprayed it in the hole of the tube's cap.

"Don't embarrass yourself Mr. Finley. We both know that you don't have backup on the way. Now that chubby little CPA in there is going to die. If you give him up there's no reason you have to. As I said this isn't personal."

"Yeah, well this isn't either." Sam had his make shift rocket launcher loaded and ready to fire. He told Barry. "Okay, give me a light."

Using a butane lighter Barry lite the cleaner at the end of the tube. This caused the beer can to eject out of the tube right into the open SUV igniting the guns and ammunition inside.

"Go, go. Back. Back." Hartley's men yelled. "The ammo! Get down now." Hartley ordered. The men fled for their lives, ducking and seeking shelter from the raging bullets as the fire caused the ammo to explode and exit the windows and side of the SUV.

"Man, I always thought of you as the second banana, but forget Mike. You're number one in my book." Barry exclaimed as Sam was counting the number of men outside.

"Barry, there were four guys. Where's the forth guy?" Just then there was a double bang at the back of the house. The flood light robot shot the forth guy as he was trying to enter the residence.

"And you made fun of my robot." Sam laughed.

The guy was wearing a bullet proof vest, but the robot was able to shoot him in the shoulder, drawing blood. Sam quickly made his way outside, but the guy had gotten up off the ground and was running for his life. Sam took a shot at him just before he disappeared around the corner.

Hot on Sam's heels Barry made it outside just to see the guy duck around the corner."Yeah! It hurts doesn't it?" Barry screamed after him.

Extremely excited, Barry told Sam. "We got one man, one down."

But Sam, the bearer of bad tidings said. "Yeah, now there's only three people trying to kill us."


After the gunfire had ended Hartley got back on the outside intercom. "That was brave Mr. Finley. Brave but not very smart. You just made it my job to kill you too."

"Well, Mr. Hartley, it's my job to avoid any further blood shed. So I'm warning you if you come any closer we will open fire. We are well armed and prepared to defend ourselves."

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint, but you're going to have to."

"That was good. Strong." Barry told Sam.

"Yeah, Thanks. I was also lying." Sam said as he ejected the last two remaining bullets from his rifle. "Take a good look. That's all we got amigo."

"What? Why didn't you bring more ammunition?" Barry asked.

"Because we were just here to pick up a box full of paper. Why didn't you take the damn FBI deal when they offered it?" Sam yelled back. Sadly Barry replied. "Obviously I regret that now."

"Okay, I don't hear any sirens. So he's calling for backup even as we speak. So we've got to get out of here before reinforcements show. How far away is the garage? Would you say sixty to seventy feet?"

"I don't know I don't live here. If we're going to make a bee line for it, we might as well do it now, right?"

"Says the one legged man." Sam said examining their options.

"Just saying they have a burning truck and a man with a hole in his arm. They're pretty well distracted."

"Well, distracted doesn't mean asleep." Sam informed Barry. "See Sylvester and Jean Claude out there? They're banged up, but they can still shoot. If we try to make a run for it without cover, we're going to get our asses shot off."

Sam snapped his fingers, he had an idea and left for the kitchen. "Hang on." Barry said as he tried to get off the floor still wincing in pain from his gunshot wound. "Come on bacon. Come on. Give me some bacon. Come on." Sam said as he was searching through the refrigerator.

"Hey, look. I hate to be a skeptic here, but how in the hell does breakfast meat supposed to help us get away?" Barry wanted to know.

"It's not the bacon, it's the grease. When I was with the teams they taught us any hydrocarbon polymer like animal fat...never mind. Breakfast meat is magic." Sam smiled. There might still be a way out.

From Burn Notice Season 6 Episode 6 "Shock Wave"

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