Thursday, August 9, 2012

When a "Shock Wave" Hits Part I

This week really heated up for Michael and his friends. They now had insight into the whereabouts of Anson. They just needed to capture him so Fi would be released from prison. Fi on the other hand, was about to have trouble with M! 6, the British Secret Intelligence Service, that could jeopardize her family in Ireland. On top of that their friend Barry, the money launderer, was in serious trouble as a result of Fi supplying information that took down an international arms dealer.


Michael visited Fi in prison and told her he had a lead on where Anson would be the next day, but they couldn't get ahead of themselves. Fi was instantly excited for Michael then quickly become suspicious, and wanted to know how he found out.

He was honest, but hesitant, telling her. "I've been talking to Rebecca." He saw the expression change on Fi's face. "We have ever reason to believe her at this point."

Fi was disappointed and upset, since it was Rebecca who had given the orders to have her killed in prison, where she could have died on several occasions.

"Trust me. Anson was manipulating her. If anyone can appreciate what that's like, I can." But Fi wanted to know. "How can you be sure you're not walking into another trap?"

"I can't be sure on this one. But I have to do it. If I can put Anson in cuffs and you pled guilty to a few weapons charges, your sentence with be time served. It's your only chance."

Fi agreed but only under one circumstance "I trust you Michael, but if you let that weasel slip away again, I'm going to break out of here just to kick your ass." Michael smiled at the thought of her finally being out of prison, or maybe the idea of her kicking his ass as she did one time that ended in passionate love making at the loft. He agreed. "Fair enough."


While Michael was visiting Fi in prison, it was shorted by one of the guards. The warden wanted to see her.

Mr. Thomas and Mr. Walsh from the State Department and Arthur Meyers, from MI 6, were in the warden's office. Meyers told Fi that MI 6 had been monitoring her activities for quite some time and they hoped all of it would end with a needle full of potassium chloride which seemed almost justified with her past affiliation with the Irish Republican Army.

She explained that she left the army because of their tactics and she never hurt a civilian then or now.

Meyers didn't want to quivel about the past he was there to talk about the future. He had been granted a few hours of her time, the next day from 1 to 4. She would be driven to the British Embassy to talk about how she blew up the old one.

Fi immediately voiced her concerns. If they leaked that she was in British custody, there were people in Ireland that would go after her family. Innocent people would have their lives in danger. Their lives would be over.

Meyers wanted her to sign a new confession, a full confession about the embassy bombing, squashing the CIA business. He wanted her to take the night to think it over.


"In any prison, contraband is the rule not the exception. Candy, alcohol, even weapons are available at a steep markup, but there are still somethings that no amount of cash, credits, or cigarettes will buy you."

Fi went to Ayn, a person who had befriended her and helped her in the past dealing with "the sisters" who had taken bait on a contract job to kill her. She told Ayn that she needed to disappear.

Ayn, thought she was kidding until Fi shook her head. Ayn told her. "Honey, if I had a secret door out of here don't you think I would have used it by now?"

"I'm not talking about actually breaking out. I just need to make it look like I did." But Ayn was confused, she thought Fi had a CIA exit strategy in the works.

"Well, apparently the English government heard about it and there's a British spy who is intent on making my life a living hell." Adding a little humor to the situation, Ayn replied. "Right. Well, we've all been there."

Fi knew Ayn had half of the guards on payroll, surely one could just stash her somewhere.

Ayn didn't like that idea, but thought for a moment, and said. "But I might be able to arrange for you to have a little privacy if you can make it worth my while." But that was a big if.

Fi had an idea she thought Ayn might jump at. "Are you interested in an early release?" But Ayn was skeptical. "Don't come in here selling magic beans, girl."

"No beans." Fi paused. "Just leverage. I'm a high valued prisoner. They're going to miss me when I'm gone. And, if you hide me I think it's only fair that you'd be the one to find me."

"Oh, you're right. That kind of cooperation could knock years off my sentence." Ayn remarked. "Damn, girl you're diabolical."

But it had to go down first thing in the morning, right after breakfast. Ayn said she could arrange it, but it wouldn't hold up long, maybe a day or two.

With any luck, that's all Fi needed.


Ayn and Fi entered the library shutting the door behind them. Ayn placed a paper cup with stones in it on the door handle.

Fi was impressed. "Nice touch. Cheaper than a lookout."

"More reliable. Never met a couple of rocks that would betray me." As they made their way inside, Ayn added. "You're about to see why I got myself on library detail."

She pulled out a rolling shelf of books. Behind it was a hole cut into the wall containing Ayn's stash of items that she sold to fellow inmates.

"I had my guard on cell block D, kill their AC unit. Nobody's going to miss this. Come on. We've got to make room for your boney ass."

Fi examined the contents in the wall which looked like a year's supply of menthol. "Hey, you get claustrophobic, you bite your knuckle and keep it to yourself. You get busted before I can get out of here, I will be out of business for nothing." Ayn said as they both started removing tubing making room for Fi.

"You can save the pep talk, I have more riding on this than you do." Fi assured her.


"Lunch call ladies, line up. Let's go, line up." One of the guards called out. The guard examined who had left their cell waiting to get in line for lunch and noticed one was missing. "Glenanne, Glenanne, get out here right now." She ordered.

Of course, Fi wasn't in her cell, she was safely tucked away in the make-shift cubbyhole hiding out until Meyer's time ran out.

The alarm rang out. "All available personnel to cell block D, code black, code black. This is not a drill."


"When you're on the run the first few hours are when you're most likely to get caught. Most fugitives are caught quickly because they are trying so hard to get away that they leave a trail a mile wide. The best plan is usually to hide well and stay out of sight."

The warden brought in the canine unit and started their search in the cell block.

In her hiding hole Fi could hear the dogs barking and became concerned.

The canine unit handler yelled out. "There's something near the library." Meyer and the warden were with one of the guards, a German shepherd and the dog's handler as they enter the library in search for Fi.

"Of course, it doesn't matter how well you're hidden if they have a canine unit that can smell you as well as see you. In that case your best option is usually a decoy. Give the dog something to find and hope their handlers don't look too close."

Fi quickly looked through Ayn's stash finding a pack of cigarettes which she pushed through an air duct grate away from the opening in the wall that would expose her.

The opening to the hideout was covered by a book cart on wheels pushed up against the wall. The dog immediately went towards that area, but was distracted by an even stronger smell and promptly switch locations.

The warden gave Meyer a smile knowing they had found Fi. The guard moved towards a different book cart and the dog barked indicating that's where Fi was. The guard moved the cart and the dog handler found a pack of cigarettes on the floor. 

He reached down and picked them up, and explained to the warden. "I'm sorry ma'am it must have been the tobacco that set him off."

Meyer was disappointed, he had only hours to find Fi before his time ran out. "And as exciting as it is to discover a hidden pack of Riley's, I think it's safe to say Miss Glenanne has escaped from the facility."

The warden told him to go back to his hotel and promised that he would be notified the moment Fi turned up.

"When she turns up it will be in Ireland on Morocco. My arrangement with the State Department was for today. This trip has been a waste. Goodbye warden. You'll be hearing from my embassy."


"As a spy your job is to avoid detection. But there are times when you're sure to be discovered and all that's left is how and when. But that's not nothing. Sometimes how and when gives your friends an awful lot of leverage."

The warden was in the prison kitchen when one of the guards entered with Ayn. "This one says she heard two inmates in F block planning something. Go ahead tell her."

"You didn't say please, Glen. As in please clear this room so the grownups can talk. And please have a sparkling water waiting for me when I'm done."

The warden was clearly annoyed by the interruption. After the room was cleared, she asked Ayn. "What do you want Miss Reeds? I don't have much time today." Ayn told her she had plenty of time, in fact that's what she wanted to talk to her about. She was up for parole in three months. The warden quickly responded that she was up for rejection in three months.

"No, not this time." Ayn pulled a piece of paper out from under her prison uniform. "This time I'll have a letter of support from you."

"Why? Because you ratted out two chicken heads planning a riot?"

"Because I know where Fiona Glenanne is. And as soon as that's signed and faxed to my lawyer you will too." Ayn told the warden as she slid the document towards her.


After the warden honored the request, Ayn lead two guards and the warden to the library. One of the guards pushed aside the book cart and ordered Fi out of her hiding spot. Their plan worked.

"Get out of there. Come here." The guard ordered Fi.

"I bet you think you're awfully clever." The warden said. "But your British friend is just going to fly back and make another appointment."

"Well, he better hurry. Ayn's not the only one expecting an early release."

The warden's eyes went from Fi to Ayn, then back to Fi. She realized that the whole matter had been planned by the two of them to get Ayn an early release.

"Put them both in solitary." The warden ordered.

From Burn Notice Season 6 Episode 6 "Shock Wave"

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