Friday, August 10, 2012

When a "Shock Wave" Hits Part III

Sam was at Madeline's, Michael's mom, protecting her while her son was taking down Anson, the creator and mastermind of an international conspiracy agency who was very dangerous and a traitor to the CIA.

"In any covert operation, the closer you get to your goal the more collateral damage tends to arise. Just because you're dealing with one situation in the city hundreds of miles away doesn't mean another one won't show up on your doorstep back home."


Barry, who was the team's money launderer, went to Madeline's house frantically knocking and yelling. "Open up, open up." Sam who was guarding Madeline, became alarmed, grabbed his riffle, opened the door and cocked the gun pointing it at Barry, scaring him even more. "Sam, no. Jesus, who opens the door like that? Where's Mike? I need Mike." 

Sam looked down and saw Barry's clinched hand holding the upper portion of his arm with blood underneath and quickly brought him into the house.

Sam wanted to know what happened to him. Wincing in pain, after several ah's, he finally told Sam he'd been shot.

Using gauze and duct tape, Madeline and Sam taped his arm, but Barry wanted to know "Are you sure that's even sanitary?" Sam replied. "It's not very sanitary, but it'll stop the bleeding."

Madeline interrupted to say. "You just got grazed, would you calm down and tell us what happened?"

Barry explained, still moaning in pain. "I'm having my mid-day Mojito and I look over and see a gaggle of Fiona's old gun buddies. I barely got out of there."

"Who are these people?" Madeline asked as she looked towards Sam.

Sam replied. "You know how we're doing a lot to get Fi out? We might have pissed off this major weapons dealer."

"What does that have to do with him?"

Barry took over the conversation. "It shouldn't have anything to do with me but I handle all of the money for Fi's deals. So the FBI, offered me immunity if I would cooperate. I said I had to think about it, which is why I need to talk to Mike."

"Am I missing something? Why didn't you just go to the FBI? Let them protect you. Take their deal." Madeline asked.

"I know, I would but then they would go pick up my books. Then every single one of my clients would have a matching set of bracelets, including your son and Sam here."

Sam acted surprised. "Oh, come on now, you said those tax shelters were totally legal."

Barry continued. "What part of that sounds totally legal? 'Tax shelter'?" Sam was visibly upset. "I'm not going to let anything bad happen, I promise you. I just need to go get those files that are germane to the issue at hand, understand?"

Sam was confused why Barry was at Madeline's. "Okay, so go do it."

"I can't. Listen. I keep all of my stuff at my client's lake house. Now they're going to be looking for my car so I'm going to need a ride. I'm going to need a little backup."

Sam weighed the situation, leave Madeline to possibly face the dangers of Anson, or help Barry avoid certain death and a prison term for himself. Sam decided. "Maddie, are you okay here?"

Madeline never really understood why they always seemed to think she needed protection. That was because they never completely filled her in on the dangers around her. "Yeah, there's a Real Housewives marathon on. I'll draw the blinds and stay in."

"Okay, let's go. Try not to bleed in my car." Sam told Barry as left for the lake house. Little did they know how difficult that would be.

From Burn Notice Season 6 Episode 6 "Shock Wave"

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