Saturday, August 11, 2012

When a "Shock Wave" Hits Part X

Michael was on the trail of Anson in Atlantic City, on a stakeout in a motel room with Jesse and Agent Pearce with a team of CIA agents outside. Michael's brother had accompanied them but had jeopardized the operation twice and was ordered away from scene.


With Nate gone, Michael, Jesse and Pearce continued to monitor the situation waiting for Anson to pick up his travel package.

"When you're planning an operation to grab a target you want as much manpower on the ground as you can get. You want to make sure you've covered every approach, every escape route because no matter how much you plan there are always surprises."

Outside the motel room there was a landscaper and a couple working on a car engine that were scouting the area for Anson. Under the hood was a semi-automatic slightly covered by a towel. An agent was working on the phone system in the motel lobby.

A blonde woman entered the lobby and asked for room 104, the same room Anson was to pick up the travel package from.

The agent in the lobby sent a text message to Pearce about the blonde. After receiving the text she approached Jesse and Michael. "Alright, new deal. It's not just any hooker. She requested room 104. Anson sent a cutout."

"Blonde under the breezeway, get a mic on her." Michael ordered the team outside.

Sitting in front of a laptop, Jesse had a better idea. "I'll do you one better. This baby is going to be our own private cell tower. We'll get the location of where ever she's talking to."

The blonde was on a pay phone outside of the lobby. She was upset and aggravated. "No, no there's nobody. It's a crappy motel. Jesus, what do you want."

"I want you to keep your eyes open." It was Anson, the target. Michael and Jesse were elated.

"Hey, relax. What the hell is in this package that has you so..." The blonde continued.

"I don't pay you to ask questions. Just get me the damn bag by 5:00 o'clock. Make sure no one's watching. I have to get out of town." Then Anson hung up.

We've got him." Jesse said. "We got you, you little vest wearing son of a bitch."

"No, no, no. We don't have him yet. Southwest corner of Baltic and MLK. That's across town." Pearce said as she got up to gather her things before starting the chase to capture Anson.

"Drexel Hotel." Michael got up and gave orders to one of the teams on the operation. "Blue team, Anson Fullerton is at the Drexel Hotel. We have less than an hour to get there. Move."


Michael, Jesse, Pearce and the CIA team arrived at the Drexel Hotel. "Left. Up ahead around the corner." Wearing bulletproof vests, they made their way through the corridors with Jesse giving directions to the room indicated on the tablet he was carrying that was tracking Anson's cell phone signal.

Standing at the corner before the last bend with his fist in the air signalling to stop, Michael told everyone. "Safety your weapons, but be prepared. I want Anson alive, not in a body bag." Michael opened his fist and gave the signal to move, turning the corner with their guns still drawn they continued to make their way stopping at room 208.

One agent stood across from the door equipped with a device to break it down as Michael stood to one side ready to give the signal. He checked to see if the door was unlocked, then shook his head, no on my signal, then counted one, two, three with his fingers. After the third finger was lowered, the agent bashed in the door. Michael was the first to enter, pistol drawn, only to find an empty room with two cell phones on the bed.

"Damn it. He was forwarding the calls." Jesse added. "Low tech, less traceable. Pretty smart way to bounce a call actually."

"Let's get tech in here, maybe..." Pearce suggested.

"No, we call him back. We'll get a hit off of his location before he picks up. Make it look like his cutout pocket dialed him."

"Mike, that's too risky." Jesse responded to Michael's suggestion.

"He said he had to leave by 5. There's no way we'll have time to get Langley involved."

Holding both cell phones he hit "redial" on one of them. Jesse stood holding the tablet and his steel clad pistol monitoring where the signal was coming from. Near Albany Ave. "We got it. We got it. He's near the airport."

Pearce thought the op was over. "That's 20 minutes away. That son of bitch is getting away again. There's no way we can get there in time."

"Maybe we don't have to." Michael dialed Nate on his phone.

Nate had his cell phone in his hand playing a slot machine killing time before his flight left. Nate recognized who was call and was hesitant to answer it after the scene they had in the motel room over the pizza. He finally answered it. "What."

By now Michael and the agents were in the hall making their way out of the hotel to track down Anson. "Nate, are you near the airport.?

"Yeah, how do you think the hell I'm going to get home, jackass?"

Michael, holding the tablet and examining Anson's location told Nate. "Anson's not here. He's at a cafe called Tides Cafe. Now he won't be there for long..."

This angered Nate. "So now you need me, huh?"

"Nate I will apologize later, but right now I'm just trying to get over there. He's probably going to be armed so I want you to get eyes him, but do not approach him. Do you understand me? Do not approach him."

"Mike, I got this."

From Burn Notice Season 6 Episode 6 "Shock Wave"

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